
nbiot module handles the connection procedure of a Pycom device through AT commands to a NBIoT network, sends data and handles disconnection.

from networking import nbiot


nbiot.connect(cfg, dataStateOn=True)

Connect to an NBIoT network based on provided configuration object.

cfg = {}
cfg._APN = "iot"

# For IPv4
cfg._IP_VERSION = "IP"
(status, activation_duration, attachment_duration, connection_duration, rssi, rsrp, rsrq) = nbiot.connect(cfg, True)

# For IPv6
cfg._IP_VERSION = "IPV6"
(status, activation_duration, attachment_duration, connection_duration, rssi, rsrp, rsrq) = nbiot.connect(cfg, False)
  • params
    • cfg: an object containing the following configuration options:
      • cfg._IP_VERSION: String value that defines the IP version of the connection.
        • IP
        • IPV6
        • IPV4V6
      • cfg._APN: The APN to be used for the connection
      • cfg._MAX_ATTACHMENT_ATTEMPT_TIME_SEC: Integer, the timeout in seconds for the data attachment
      • cfg._MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_TIME_SEC: Integer, the timeout in seconds for the data connection. Applicable only if dataStateOn is True.
    • dataStateOn: Enable/Disable whether to execute data connection after a successful data attachment. If dataStateOn is True, no AT commands can be sent.
  • returns:
    • status: Integer, the data status of the NBIoT modem. The integer values can be translated into macros:
      • nbiot.NBIOT_DETTACHED: -1
      • nbiot.NBIOT_MODEM_ACTIVATED: 0
      • nbiot.NBIOT_ATTACHED: 1
      • nbiot.NBIOT_CONNECTED: 2
    • activation_duration: The duration in (ms) between the request to set from Airplane mode to Normal and the confirmation that the modem was activated “+CFUN: 1”.
    • attachment_duration: The duration in (ms) between the successful activation of the modem and the confirmation that the modem has been attached (LTE.isattached()).
    • connection_duration: if dataStateOn is True, the duration in (ms) between the request for modem connection (LTE.connect()) and the confirmation that the modem has been connected (LTE.isconnected()).
    • rssi: The RSSI for the successful link, else -1.
    • rsrp: The RSRP for the successful link, else -1.
    • rsrq: The RSRQ for the successful link, else -1.


Actions implemented when turning off LTE modem. This includes LTE disconnection (if connected) followed by LTE deinitialization.

  • returns:
    • deactivation_status: Boolean, whether disconnection was successful
    • deactivation_duration: the duration in (ms) to complete procedure

nbiot.sendAtCommand(command, max_tries=1)

Send an AT command to the modem with retries till it is successful. After each failed trial, it will wait for 500ms till it re-sends the command.

  • args:
    • command: the AT command to send to the modem.
    • max_retries: the number of retries in case the command returns a non-OK message. Default is 1.
  • returns:
    • response: the response from the modem (stripped from starting and ending white spaces)
    • status: boolean: whether the command returned an OK message.

nbiot.sendATsocket(data, host, port)

Send data over UDP using AT commands instead of the build-in micropython UDP sockets. This is essential if during the connection IPV6 has been used as _IP_VERSION since Pycom modules do not support IPv6 sockets.

This function uses microATsocket sockets.

  • args:
    • data: the data string to transmit.
    • host: the IP of the host. No URL resolving for the moment to keep the data consumption low.
    • port: the UDP port of the host.