
Up to this point, devices have been created and data are being exchanged. A quick and useful way of making use of the data is to visualize them in custom dashboards.

Navigate in the Dashboard through the menu, create a new Dashboard and click in.

Dashboard List

Now, the dashboard view is loaded along with tools to provide controls for manipulating the charts.

Dashboard List

By clicking the Add New option, the Chart Wizard is displayed that will go through steps to accurately define the required settings per widget type.

The supported widget types are:

  • Text with history: Line chart without axis values that contains text in the middle responsible for displaying the current value and the percentage of difference between current value and teh value before the defined period of time. Specially recommended when displaying data that need to be chronically compared.
  • Line Chart: Simple Line chart graph, good for displaying most of the device measurements
  • Gauge: Gauge view for displaying numeric values in a defined value range
  • Divider: simple visual and organizational tool to separate charts in groups
  • Text: Displays the current value of the selected measurement regardless of the measurement data type
  • Bars: similar to Line Chart though the data lines are displayed in bars
  • Step Plot: similar to Line Chart though the data lines are displayed in steps
  • Map: A map widget that if longitude and latitude are defined, markers will be placed on the map back by OpenStreet Map.

Dashboard Chart Wizard

Lets choose the Line Chart for this example. Next screen is the data input definition, data manipulation, etc.

The view contains:

  • Device List: select one or more devices to operate to
  • Device Measurements: shows the measurements of the devices, one or more can be selected based on the selected widget type from the previous step. If one device is selected, the list includes all the different measurements the device has ever reported. When multiple devices are selected, shows only the common measurements between the devices. To show the union of all the different measurements collected from the devices, deselect the Filter Common Measurements checkbox.
  • Value Type: select to operate with the raw Value or with the Elapsed time between the Values.
  • Function / Group By / Fill: Apply a function to the returned values. Optionally, this function can be applied in timed Groups (split all data periods into specific slots and apply the function to all measurements in the slot). When Group By is enabled and no value is found into a time slot, Fill option defines how to handle the missing values. All Fill options have tooltips to explain their functionality
  • Duration: the default duration per widget to query for data. It is globally overridden when the user explicitly selects a Measurement Period from the Page Toolbar.
  • Advanced: the checkbox that enables some more advanced features to be applied ton the query. When enabled, a pseudo-query is displayed as an example of how all the selections are applied into a query line.
    • Value Filter: when filled, it can control to filter out values. For example, having a fleet of devices that report battery voltage, "value" < 3.6 will report back all the devices that have critically low battery and needs attention.
    • Value Transformation: when filled, the defined formula will be applied to each value before it is returned. For example, in a specific Soil Sensor, the reported values are in millivolts (mV). To express this in volumetric water content (VWC), the formula 100*(11.9*0.0001*value-0.401) is applied

Dashboard Chart Wizard - Data Source

When using a Map widget, make sure to manually select both longitude and latitude from the measurement list.

Each widget configuration ends with the preview of the requested data, before it is inserted into the dashboard. When ready, click the green check button at the upper corner of the dialog and the widget will be automatically added into the dashboard.

Each widget, can be resized/moved into the dashboard space which is auto expanded.

Here is an example of a dashboard that monitors the soil moisture in an Olive Grove.

Dashboard Chart Wizard - example

Widget’s context menu

Each widget placed in the dashboard, has a context menu to provide extra functionalities on it.


  • edit: re-opens the Chart Wizard with the configuration of the widget to be edited.
  • delete: deletes the widget from the dashboard
  • duplicate: create a copy of the widget and place it at the end of the dashboard
  • export: create and download a CSV file with all the included contents of the widget values.

Dashboard Chart Wizard - Context Menu