
wifi module handles the connection to a WiFi SSID and its disconnection.

from networking import wifi


wifi.connect(known_nets, max_connection_attempt_time_sec, force_no_scan=False)

Connect to WiFi network based on a predefined list of candidates.

known_nets = {
  'TEST_SSID': {'pwd': 'TEST_PASS_123'},
  'TEST_SSID2': {'pwd': 'TEST_PASS_456'}
max_connection_attempt_time_sec = 120
(connection_status, conn_attempt_duration, scan_attempt_duration, channel, rssi) = wifi.connect(known_nets, max_connection_attempt_time_sec, False)
  • params
    • known_nets: a dictionary with the ‘known’ networks. The dictionary keys are the SSIDs and the objects contain the password for each SSID. Sample:
      • {‘WIFI_SSID’: {‘pwd’: ‘WIFI_PASS_123’}}
    • max_connection_attempt_time_sec: the seconds to wait for the network.WLAN.isconnected() to be true.
    • force_no_scan: enable/disable the SSID scanning. If True, the first SSID/password from the knonw_nets will be used to explicitly connect to.
  • returns:
    • connection_status: Boolean, whether connection was successful
    • conn_attempt_duration: The duration in (ms)between the connection request initiation and the connection success or timeout.
    • scan_attempt_duration: if force_no_scan is False, it will return the duration in (ms) to complete a WiFi scan.
    • channel: if connection_status is True, returns the WiFi Channel of the connected WiFi Access Point.
    • rssi: if connection_status is True, returns the RSSI of the WiFi link.


Actions implemented when turning off wifi. This includes WiFi disconnection (if connected) followed by WiFi deinitialization.

  • returns:
    • deactivation_status: Boolean, whether disconnection was successful
    • deactivation_duration: the duration in (ms) to complete procedure