
Step 5 of the Web UI is the selection of the enabled measurements during the demo scenario. boards come in 3 versions based on the sensor connectors that it support and the microcontroller they are based on (refer to Hardware page for more information).

The first 6 switches control generic features of the board / firmware:

  • Battery statistics: Reports battery voltage and Current consumption
  • Board humidity/temperature: All boards are equipped with an si7021 or an SHT40 IC to be able to provide the humidity and temperature of the board.
  • Board health statistics: Reports extended stability info like:
    • size of allocated memory
    • remaining free memory
    • CPU temperature
    • reset cause code
  • Network statistics: Based one the selected network type (WiFi, Cellular, LoRA), this option provides KPIs of the network connection
  • Over the Air Updates: Whether to enable looking for incoming update/reconfiguration events.
  • Temperature Unit: select between Celsius and Fahrenheit for the reported temperature values

Each of the following tabs represent a configuration pack for the selected variant of the board.

After setting up board-specific options, press Save.

16 pin with 2xI²C, 2xDigital/Analog, 2xAnalog


  • 2 x I²C selectors with the supported sensors. This option assumes that all these connected sensors operate at their default I²C ID
  • 2 x Generic Analog measurements
  • 2 x Digital Analog measurements. This includes the following options:
    • Generic Analog measurement
    • Digital sensor (ex. DHT11 / DHT 22)
    • OneWire Sensor (ex. ds18x20)

default board measurements

6 pin with SDI-12 support.


  • 2 x SDI-12 sensor reading. If enabled, select the SDI-12 address that the device is operating on.
    • Important: addresses must be preconfigured to not collide

SDI-12 board measurements

Cellular board with 2xI²C, Digital (OneWire), Load Cell, GPS


  • 2 x I²C selectors with the supported sensors. This option assumes that all these connected sensors operate at their default I²C ID
  • 1 x Analog Digital measurements. This includes the following options:
    • Generic Analog measurement
    • Digital sensor (ex. DHT11 / DHT 22)
    • OneWire Sensor (ex. ds18x20)
  • Weight Scale: enable measuring values of the load cell and converting it into grams (g). If selected, the Web UI configurator will guide you through the calibration steps through its next pages.
  • GPS: get the precise location of the device using embedded GPS in the cellular modem. cellular board measurements (scale, GPS)