
A wrapper module for reading analog values from a pin.


analog_generic.get_reading(data_pin, vcc_pin=None)

Get the input voltage of data_pin in millivolt (mV). If vcc_pin is defined it will first power on sensors and it will power off sensors at the end.

  • params
    • data_pin: the analog input pin name where the sensor is connected to.
    • vcc_pin: (optional) the pin that controls the power to the sensors.
  • returns
    • integer: the analog measurement in millivolt (mV).

Example with vcc_pin defined

# read analog sensor
from sensors import analog_generic
volt_analog = analog_generic.get_reading(data_pin, "P11")

Example using vcc_pin separately.

import sensors

# power on sensors

# read analog sensor
from sensors import analog_generic
volt_analog = analog_generic.get_reading('P18')

# power off sensors