
The main infrastructure for having consistent format logging with various levels of severity. It can either be used as a class instance or through the default static functions for simplicity

import logging

logging.debug("Test debug message 1")
logging.info("Test info message 1")

# will print
# Test info message 1

logging.debug("Test debug message 2")
logging.info("Test info message 2")

# will print
# Test debug message 2
# Test info message 2



Sets the logging level which filters the type of messages that will be printed.

  • params:
    • level: The level macro:
      • CRITICAL
      • ERROR
      • WARNING
      • INFO
      • DEBUG

logging.debug(msg, *args)

Print DEBUG message

  • params:
    • msg: The string message to be printed
    • args: The variant list of items that will be printed by implicitly calling str() for each (??)

logging.info(msg, *args)

Print INFO message

  • params:
    • msg: The string message to be printed
    • args: The variant list of items that will be printed by implicitly calling str() for each (??)

logging.error(msg, *args)

Print ERROR message

  • params:
    • msg: The string message to be printed
    • args: The variant list of items that will be printed by implicitly calling str() for each (??)

logging.exception(e, msg, *args)

Print EXCEPTION message along with the stack trace provided by e instance.

  • params:
    • e: exception instance caught by except statement
    • msg: The string message to be printed
    • args: The variant list of items that will be printed by implicitly calling str() for each (??)

class constructor


Create an instance of a Logger with name.

class methods

Logger.log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs)

The main logging method that actually constructs and prints the message

Logger.debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs)

Shorthand call of Logger.log with DEBUG level.

Logger.info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs)

Shorthand call of Logger.log with INFO level.

Logger.warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs)

Shorthand call of Logger.log with WARNING level.

Logger.error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs)

Shorthand call of Logger.log with ERROR level.

Logger.critical(self, msg, *args, **kwargs)

Shorthand call of Logger.log with CRITICAL level.

Logger.exc(self, e, msg, *args)

Shorthand call of Logger.log with EXCEPTION level. An exception instance must be provided.

Logger.exception(self, msg, *args)

Shorthand call of Logger.log with EXCEPTION level. Queries sys.exc_info for details on the exception.