Encoding Protocol

insigh.io Firmware comes with a data encoding protocol that packs all information ready to be transmitted into a concise byte array. Currently it is used specifically to create the payload in case of LoRA transmission.

packet composition

The payload always starts with the device_id which is the first 6 bytes, and follows a composition of sensor data fields.

sensor data
device_id sensor_data_1 sensor_data_2 sensor_data_n

sensor_data format

Each sensor data field is composed of one byte for sensor type, one byte for sensor location on the insigh.io board followed by the sensor value with 1-6 bytes of data. The number of sensor value bytes is in direct correspondence with the sensor type and can be retrieved in the table of the next paragraph.

byte [0] byte [1] byte [2-n]
sensor type sensor location sensor value

sensor type values

sensor type name value range unit divider sensor value number of bytes
0x01 device id hex string text - 6 bytes
0x02 reset cause 0-4 integer - 1 byte
0x03 uptime 0-65535 ms - 2 bytes
0x04 mem_alloc 0 – 4294967295 B - 4 bytes
0x05 mem_free 0 – 4294967295 B - 4 bytes
0x07 current 0-65535 mA 100 2 bytes
0x08 vbatt 0-65535 mv - 2 bytes
0x10 light 0-65535 lux - 2 bytes
0x11 temperature (Cel) -32767 -> +32767 Cel 100 2 bytes
0x12 humidity 0-10000 % 100 2 bytes
0x13 co2 0 – 1100 ppm ppm - 2 bytes
0x14 pressure - hPa - 4 bytes
0x15 gas - ohm - 2 bytes
0x16 voltage 0-65535 V - 2 bytes
0x17 Volumetric Water Content (vwc) 0-10000 % 100 2 bytes
0x18 Relative Permittivity (rel_perm) 0-10000 % 100 2 bytes
0x19 Electric Conductivity (ec) 0-65535 uS/cm - 2 bytes
0x1A Millimeter (mm) 0-65535 mm - 2 bytes
0x1B Watts Per Square Meter 0-65535 W/m2 - 2 bytes
0x1C Grams of Water Vapour / Cubic metre of air 0-65535 g.m3 - 2 bytes
0x1D Actual Evapotranspiration (et) 0-65535 mm 1000 2 bytes
0x1E Latent Energy Flux (le) 0-65535 W/m2 10 2 bytes
0x1F Heat Flux (h) 0-65535 W/m2 10 2 bytes
0x20 Soil Pore Water EC (ec) 0-65535 uS/cm - 2 bytes
0x21 Sap Flow (sap_flow) 0-65535 litres/hour 100 2 bytes
0x22 Heat Velocity (vh) 0-65535 cm/hour 100 2 bytes
0x23 Log Ratio (log_rt) -2147483648 to 2147483647 - 100000 4 bytes
0x24 Vapor Pressure Deficit (vpd) 0-65535 hPa 10 2 bytes
0x25 Atmospheric Pressure (pa) 0-65535 hPa 10 2 bytes
0x26 temperature (F) -32767 -> +32767 F 100 2 bytes
0x27 deviation -32767 -> +32767 - 100 2 bytes
0x28 radiation 0-65535 - - 2 bytes
0x29 count 0-65535 count 10 2 bytes
0x2a height 0-65535 mm 10 2 bytes
0x2b period 0-65535 s 10 2 bytes
0x2c noise 0-65535 db 10 2 bytes
0x2d direction in degrees 0-360.0 deg 10 2 bytes
0x2e direction in encoded id 0-255 - - 1 byte
0x2f speed -32767 -> +32767 m/s 100 2 bytes
0x30 formula / transformation -2147483648 to 2147483647 - 100000 4 bytes
0xC1 lora_join_duration 0-65535 ms - 2 bytes
0xD0 gps_hdop 0-256 - 10 1 byte
0xD1 gps_lat -9000000 to 9000000 lat 100000 4 bytes
0xD2 gps_lon -18000000 to 18000000 lon 100000 4 bytes
0xE0 generic -2147483648 to 2147483647 - 100 4 bytes
- 100 4 bytes
0xE9 generic -2147483648 to 2147483647 - 100 4 bytes

sensor location values

byte value location description
0x00 unknown
0x10 board
0x11 cpu
0x20 i2c
0x30 ap1 (Analog Position 1)
0x31 ap2 (Analog Position 2)
0x40 adp1 (Analog / Digital Position 1)
0x41 adp2 (Analog / Digital Position 2)
0x50 sdi12 Address 0
0x59 sdi12 Address 9
0x60 Current 4-20mA Position 1
0x61 Current 4-20mA Position 2
0x70 Network modem
0x71 GPS modem
0x80 Weather Station (wth)
0x81 Rain Gauge (rain_gauge)
0x82 Solar Sensor (solar)
0x83 Pulse Counter (pcnt)
0x84 Weather Station Wind (wth_wind)


For example, lets incrementally build the required payload based on the following values:

  1. device_id: 30aea47861b8

    • payload: 30aea47861b8
  2. cpu_temperature: 44.44

    • type: temperature
    • type id: 0x11
    • location: cpu
    • location id: 0x11
    • value: 44.44
    • value encoded: 44.44 * 100 => dec: 4444 => hex: 0x115c
    • payload: 0x1111115c
  3. board_humidity: 55.95

    • type: humidity
    • type id: 0x12
    • location: board
    • location id: 0x10
    • value: 55.95
    • value encoded: 55.95 * 100 => dec: 5595 => hex: 0x15DB
    • payload: 0x121015db
  4. ap1_voltage: 144

    • type: voltage
    • type id: 0x16
    • location: ap1
    • location id: 0x30
    • value: 144
    • value encoded: dec: 144 => hex: 0x0090
    • payload: 0x16300090

Aggregated payload:
